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文章类别:asp | 发表日期:2008-10-5 20:42:28

     <%@ Language=VBScript %>
     <SCRIPT id=DebugDirectives runat=server language=javascript>
     // Set these to true to enable debugging or tracing
     @set @debug=false
     @set @trace=false
     <META name=VI60_defaultClientScript content=VBScript>
     <META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
     <SCRIPT ID=clientEventHandlersVBS LANGUAGE=vbscript>
     Sub button2_onclick
     End Sub
     Sub button3_onclick
     End Sub
     Sub button4_onclick
     if button4.value="Bold" then
     button4.value="Un Bold"
     end if
     End Sub
     Sub button5_onclick
     if button5.value="Italics" then
     button5.value="Un Italics"
     end if
     End Sub
     Sub button6_onclick
     End Sub
     <FONT face=arial size=3 color=royalblue><B>ASP NOTEPAD</b></font>
     <%dim x
     if Request("type")="save" then
     x = 1
     end if
     <OBJECT id=OBJECT1 PROGID="Scripting.FileSystemObject" RUNAT="server"></OBJECT>
     <TABLE bgColor=blanchedalmond border=0 cellPadding=1 cellSpacing=1
     <% if not len(request("doc"))=0 then%>
     <Font face=arial size=2>Document:<B> <%=Request.querystring("doc")%></B></font>
     <Font face=arial size=2>Document:<B> Untitled</B></font>
     end if%>
     <P><SELECT id=select1 name=select1 style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 25%">
     <OPTION value='Times New Roman'>Times New Roman</option>
     <OPTION value='System'>System</option>
     <OPTION value='Arial'>Arial</option>
     <OPTION value='Comic Sans MS'>Comic Sans MS</option>
     <OPTION value='Courier'>Courier</option>
     <OPTION value='Courier New'>Courier New</option>
     <OPTION value='Verdana'>Verdana</option>
     <INPUT id=button2 name=button2 type=button value=Font>
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     <option value=8pt>8pt</option>
     <option value=9pt>9pt</option>
     <option value=10pt selected>10pt</option>
     <%for a=11 to 100%>
     <option value='<%=a%>pt'><%=a%>pt</option>
     <INPUT id=button3 name=button3 type=button value=Size>
     <INPUT id=button4 name=button4 type=button value=Bold>
     <INPUT id=button5 name=button5 type=button value=Italics>
     <INPUT id=button6 name=button6 type=button value='Close Window'><BR><BR>
     <font face=arial size=1>You will not be questioned on saving the changes</P></font>
     <form id=fo1 name=fo1 method=post action=newdoc.asp?type=save&ch=1&doc=<%=Request.QueryString("doc")%>>
     <INPUT id=text1 name=text1 style="HEIGHT: 24px; WIDTH: 80%" value=<%=Request.querystring("doc")%>>
     <INPUT id=button1 name=button1 style="HEIGHT: 24px; WIDTH: 15%" type=submit value="Save File" >
     <hr width="100%">
     <TEXTAREA id=TEXTAREA1 name=TEXTAREA1 style="FONT-family: arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; HEIGHT: 50%; WIDTH:
     100%"><%if request("ch")=1 then
     Response.Write request("textarea1")
     end if
     if len(request("text1"))>0 then
     if OBJECT1.FileExists(Request("text")) then
     OBJECT1.OpenTextFile(request("doc")).Write request("textarea1")
     OBJECT1.CreateTextFile (request("text1"),true).Write Request("textarea1")
     end if
     end if
     if not Request.QueryString("doc")="" and not Request("ch")=1 then
     if OBJECT1.FileExists(Request.QueryString("doc")) then
     Response.Write OBJECT1.OpenTextFile(Request.QueryString("doc")).ReadAll
     Response.Write "<????> No document Exists <????>"
     end if
     end if
     <HR width="100%">
     <%@ Language=VBScript %>
     <META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
     <SCRIPT ID=clientEventHandlersJS LANGUAGE=javascript>
     function submit1_onclick() {
     window.open("newdoc.asp?doc=" + document.frm1.file1.value);
     function button2_onclick() {
     function new_onclick() {
     <form name=frm1>
     <P align=left><FONT color=royalblue face=Arial><STRONG>ASP
     <P align=center>
     <INPUT id=file1 name=file1
     type=file CHECKED readOnly style="HEIGHT: 22px; LEFT: 55px; TOP: 16px; WIDTH: 100%"><BR><BR>
     <INPUT id=submit1 name=submit1 type=submit value=Open style="HEIGHT: 24px; WIDTH: 65px"
     LANGUAGE=javascript onclick="return submit1_onclick()"> <INPUT id=new name=new style="HEIGHT: 24px;
     WIDTH: 64px" type=submit value=New LANGUAGE=javascript onclick="return new_onclick()">
     <INPUT id=button2 name=button2 style="HEIGHT: 24px; WIDTH: 74px" type=button value=Exit
     LANGUAGE=javascript onclick="return button2_onclick()"></P>
     <P> </P>
     <FONT face=Arial size=2><STRONG>Author: </STRONG><FONT color=royalblue>Sharon
     Jayaraj<BR></FONT><STRONG>Platform<FONT color=lightseagreen>:
     </FONT></STRONG><FONT color=lightseagreen>Win98</FONT><BR><STRONG>Application
     Used: </STRONG><FONT color=orange>Interdev</FONT><FONT color=lightpink>(for easy
     Working) </FONT>and <FONT color=orange>PWS</FONT><FONT color=lightpink>(for
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