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文章类别:div+css布局 | 发表日期:2008-9-26 11:33:09

The CSS list properties allow you to place the list-item marker, change between different list-item markers, or set an image as the list-item marker.

无序列表不同样子的列表标记 The different list-item markers in unordered lists
This example demonstrates the different list-item markers in CSS.
Examples 实例:
div css xhtml xml Source Code to Run Source Code to Run [www.21shipin.com]

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有序列表不同样子的列表标记 The different list-item markers in ordered lists
This example demonstrates the different list-item markers in CSS.
Examples 实例:
div css xhtml xml Source Code to Run Source Code to Run [www.21shipin.com]

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设置图片做为标记 Set an image as the list-item marker
This example demonstrates how to set an image as the list-item marker.
Examples 实例:
div css xhtml xml Source Code to Run Source Code to Run [www.21shipin.com]

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安置列表标记 Place the list-item marker
This example demonstrates where to place the list-item marker.
Examples 实例:
div css xhtml xml Source Code to Run Source Code to Run [www.21shipin.com]

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快速声明所有列表属性 All list properties in one declaration
This example demonstrates a shorthand property for setting all of the properties for a list in one declaration.
Examples 实例:
div css xhtml xml Source Code to Run Source Code to Run [www.21shipin.com]

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The CSS list properties allow you to place the list-item marker, change between different list-item markers, or set an image as the list-item marker.
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