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Tag:css,入门,技巧,div,实例,示例,菜单,布局,web2.0,ul,li,经验,列表,web标准,xhtml,web标准,浏览器,兼容,css hack,表格,视频教程


文章类别:div+css布局 | 发表日期:2008-9-26 11:33:10

The CSS positioning properties allows you to position an element.

如何让一元素相对于原始位置进行相对定位 Position:relative
This example demonstrates how to position an element relative to its normal position.
Examples 实例:
div css xhtml xml Source Code to Run Source Code to Run [www.21shipin.com]

[ 可先修改部分代码 再运行查看效果 ]

如何使用绝对值来定位元素 Position:absolute
This example demonstrates how to position an element using an absolute value.
Examples 实例:
div css xhtml xml Source Code to Run Source Code to Run [www.21shipin.com]

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何如设置元素的外形,并以这个外形显示 Set the shape of an element
This example demonstrates how to set the shape of an element. The element is clipped into this shape, and displayed.
Examples 实例:
div css xhtml xml Source Code to Run Source Code to Run [www.21shipin.com]

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This example demonstrates how to set the overflow property to specify what should happen when an element's content is too big to fit in a specified area.
Examples 实例:
div css xhtml xml Source Code to Run Source Code to Run [www.21shipin.com]

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如何垂直对齐一张图片 Vertical align an image
This example demonstrates how to vertical align an image in a text.
Examples 实例:
div css xhtml xml Source Code to Run Source Code to Run [www.21shipin.com]

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Z-index can be used to place an element \"behind\" another element.
Examples 实例:
div css xhtml xml Source Code to Run Source Code to Run [www.21shipin.com]

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The elements in the example above have now changed their Z-index.
Examples 实例:
div css xhtml xml Source Code to Run Source Code to Run [www.21shipin.com]

[ 可先修改部分代码 再运行查看效果 ]

The CSS positioning properties allow you to specify the left, right, top, and bottom position of an element. It also allows you to set the shape of an element, place an element behind another, and to specify what should happen when an element's content is too big to fit in a specified area.
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