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3D Matrix Class

文章类别:Flash AS编程 | 发表日期:2008-10-6 17:35:53

// -------------------
// 3D Matrix Class
// -------------------


// Matrix3D constructor
// ------------------
function matrix3D () {
this.element = new Array();
this.vCount = 0;

// Base creation
// -------------
matrix3D.prototype.createBase = function() {
this.base = new Array();
this.base[1] = new Array(1,0,0);
this.base[2] = new Array(0,1,0);
this.base[3] = new Array(0,0,1);
// Adding a vector
// ---------------
matrix3D.prototype.addVector = function (x,y,z) {
this.element[this.vCount] = new Array();
this.element[this.vCount][1] = x;
this.element[this.vCount][2] = y;
this.element[this.vCount][3] = z;
// Deleting a vector
// ---------------
matrix3D.prototype.delVector = function (index,count) {
if (!count) count = 1;
this.element.splice(index, count);
this.vCount -= count;
// Getting an element’s value
// --------------------------
matrix3D.prototype.get = function(row, column) {
return (this.element[row][column]);
// Setting an element’s value
// --------------------------
matrix3D.prototype.set = function(row, column, arg) {
this.element[row][column] = arg;

// Rotation around the X axis
// --------------------------
// It multiplicates each vector (dot multiplication) by the transformation matrix:
// 1 0 0
// 0 cos ? -sin ?
// 0 sin ? cos ?
// So, it will result the matrix transformed by:
// x’ = x
// y’ = (cos ?) * y - (sin ?) * z
// z’ = (sin ?) * y + (cos ?) * z
matrix3D.prototype.Xrotation = function(beta) {
for (var iVector = 1; iVector <= this.vCount; iVector++) {
this.element[iVector][2] = ((Math.cos(beta))*this.element[iVector][2])-((Math.sin(beta))*this.element[iVector][3]);
this.element[iVector][3] = ((Math.sin(beta))*this.element[iVector][2])+((Math.cos(beta))*this.element[iVector][3]);
// Rotation around the Y axis
// --------------------------
// Transformation Matrix:
// cos ? 0 sin ?
// 0 1 0
// -sin ? 0 cos ?
matrix3D.prototype.Yrotation = function(beta) {
for (var iVector = 1; iVector <= this.vCount; iVector++) {
this.element[iVector][1] = ((Math.cos(beta))*this.element[iVector][1])+((Math.sin(beta))*this.element[iVector][3]);
this.element[iVector][3] = (-(Math.sin(beta))*this.element[iVector][1])+((Math.cos(beta))*this.element[iVector][3]);
// Rotation around the Z axis
// --------------------------
// Transformation Matrix:
// cos ? -sin ? 0
// sin ? cos ? 0
// 0 0 1
matrix3D.prototype.Zrotation = function(beta) {
for (var iVector = 1; iVector <= this.vCount; iVector++) {
this.element[iVector][1] = ((Math.cos(beta))*this.element[iVector][1])-((Math.sin(beta))*this.element[iVector][2]);
this.element[iVector][2] = ((Math.sin(beta))*this.element[iVector][1])+((Math.cos(beta))*this.element[iVector][2]);
// Base Translation
// ----------------
matrix3D.prototype.translate = function(x,y,z) {
this.base[1] = new Array(x,0,0);
this.base[2] = new Array(0,y,0);
this.base[3] = new Array(0,0,z);
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